Labelised versions of various datasets provided by 'data.io' or other packages
Use name <- read("data", package = "pkg", lang = "xx")
to read these
datasets together with the metadata (labels, units, comments, ...).
From data
Temperature and atmospheric CO2 at Mauna Loa, Hawai. 5 vars x 768 obs. Time series of monthly averages from 1955 to 2018.
Sea urchins biometry. 19 vars x 421 obs. Morphometric variables measured on two populations of sea urchins, incl. one circular variable (
Sea urchins growth. 3 vars x 7024 obs. Size at age for a cohort of sea urchins followed over more than 10 years.
Zooplankton image analysis. 20 vars x 1262 obs. A training set with 19 measurements made on images of zooplankton and their respective class as attributed by taxonomists.
From datasets
Anscombe's quartet of 'identical' simple linear Regressions. 8 vars x 11 obs. Artificial data.
Edgar Anderson's iris data. 5 vars x 150 obs. Morphometry of the flowers of three iris species (50 for each species).
Annual Canadian lynx trappings 1821–1934. 2 vars x 114 obs. Long (> 1 century) time series.
Black cherry trees measurements. 3 vars x 31 obs. Measurement of tree timber of various sizes.
From ggplot2
- ggplot2::diamonds
Prices of 50,000 round cut diamonds. 10 vars x 53940 obs. Price and other attributes of 10,000's of diamonds.
- ggplot2::mpg
Fuel economy data from 1999 and 2008 for popular cars. 11 vars x 234 obs. Data are for most popular U.S. market cars only.
Morphological measurements on Leptograpsus crabs. 8 vars x 200 obs. Morphological measurements of Leptograpsus variegatus crabs, either blue or orange, males and females.
Old Faithful geyser data. 2 vars x 299 obs. Duration and waiting time for eruptions from August 1 to August 15, 1985.
From nycflights13
- nycflights13::airlines
Airlines by their carrier codes. 2 vars x 16 obs.
- nycflights13::airports
Various metadata about New York city airports. 8 vars x 1458 obs.
- nycflights13::flights
On-time data for all flights that departed NYC (i.e., JFK, LGA or EWR) in 2013. 19 vars x 336776 obs.
- nycflights13::planes
Planes metadata. 9 vars x 3322 obs.
- nycflights13::weather
Hourly meteorological data for JFK, LGA and EWR. 15 vars x 26130 obs.