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Objects are coerced into the desired class. For as_dtx(), the desired class is obtained from getOption("SciViews.as_dtx"), with a default value producing a data.table object. If the data are grouped with dplyr::group_by(), the resulting data frame is also dplyr::ungroup()ed in the process.


as_dtx(x, ..., rownames = NULL, keep.key = TRUE, byref = FALSE)

as_dtf(x, ..., rownames = NULL, keep.key = TRUE, byref = NULL)

as_dtt(x, ..., rownames = NULL, keep.key = TRUE, byref = FALSE)

as_dtbl(x, ..., rownames = NULL, keep.key = TRUE, byref = NULL)

default_dtx(x, ..., rownames = NULL, keep.key = TRUE, byref = FALSE)

# S3 method for tbl_df
as.matrix(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...)

as_matrix(x, rownames = NULL, ...)



An object.


Further arguments passed to the methods (not used yet).


The name of the column with row names. If NULL, it is assessed from getOptions("SciViews.dtx.rownames").


Do we keep the data.table key into a "key" attribute or do we restore data.tablekey from the attribute?


If TRUE, the object is modified by reference when converted into a data.table (faster, but not conventional). This is FALSE by default, or NULL if the argument does not apply in the context.


Same as rownames, but for base R functions.


logical, If TRUE, setting row names and converting column names to syntactically correct names is optional.


The coerced object. For as_dtx(), the coercion is determined from getOption("SciViews.as_dtx") which must return one of the three other as_dt...() functions (as_dtt by default). The default_dtx() does the same as as_dtx() if the object is a data.frame, a data.table, or a tibble, but it return the unmodified object for any other class (including subclassed data frames). This is a convenient function to force conversion only between those three objects classes.


Use as_matrix() instead of base::as.matrix(): it has different default arguments to better account for rownames in data.table and tibble!


# A data.frame
dtf <- dtf(
  x = 1:5,
  y = rnorm(5),
  f = letters[1:5],
  l = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 5, replace = TRUE))

# Convert into a tibble
(dtbl <- as_dtbl(dtf))
#> # A tibble: 5 × 4
#>       x      y f     l    
#>   <int>  <dbl> <chr> <lgl>
#> 1     1 -0.554 a     TRUE 
#> 2     2  0.629 b     TRUE 
#> 3     3  2.07  c     FALSE
#> 4     4 -1.63  d     FALSE
#> 5     5  0.512 e     FALSE
# Since row names are trivial (1 -> 5), a .rownames column is not added

dtf2 <- dtf
rownames(dtf2) <- letters[1:5]
#>   x          y f     l
#> a 1 -0.5536994 a  TRUE
#> b 2  0.6289820 b  TRUE
#> c 3  2.0650249 c FALSE
#> d 4 -1.6309894 d FALSE
#> e 5  0.5124269 e FALSE

# Now, the conversion into a tibble adds .rownames
(dtbl2 <- as_dtbl(dtf2))
#> # A tibble: 5 × 5
#>   .rownames     x      y f     l    
#>   <chr>     <int>  <dbl> <chr> <lgl>
#> 1 a             1 -0.554 a     TRUE 
#> 2 b             2  0.629 b     TRUE 
#> 3 c             3  2.07  c     FALSE
#> 4 d             4 -1.63  d     FALSE
#> 5 e             5  0.512 e     FALSE
# and data frame row names are set again when converted bock to dtf
#>   x          y f     l
#> a 1 -0.5536994 a  TRUE
#> b 2  0.6289820 b  TRUE
#> c 3  2.0650249 c FALSE
#> d 4 -1.6309894 d FALSE
#> e 5  0.5124269 e FALSE

# It also work for conversions data.frame <-> data.table
(dtt2 <- as_dtt(dtf2))
#>    .rownames     x          y      f      l
#>       <char> <int>      <num> <char> <lgcl>
#> 1:         a     1 -0.5536994      a   TRUE
#> 2:         b     2  0.6289820      b   TRUE
#> 3:         c     3  2.0650249      c  FALSE
#> 4:         d     4 -1.6309894      d  FALSE
#> 5:         e     5  0.5124269      e  FALSE
#>   x          y f     l
#> a 1 -0.5536994 a  TRUE
#> b 2  0.6289820 b  TRUE
#> c 3  2.0650249 c FALSE
#> d 4 -1.6309894 d FALSE
#> e 5  0.5124269 e FALSE

# It does not work when converting a tibble or a data.table into a matrix
# with as.matrix()
#>      .rownames x   y            f   l      
#> [1,] "a"       "1" "-0.5536994" "a" "TRUE" 
#> [2,] "b"       "2" " 0.6289820" "b" "TRUE" 
#> [3,] "c"       "3" " 2.0650249" "c" "FALSE"
#> [4,] "d"       "4" "-1.6309894" "d" "FALSE"
#> [5,] "e"       "5" " 0.5124269" "e" "FALSE"
# ... but as_matrix() does the job!
#>   x   y            f   l      
#> a "1" "-0.5536994" "a" "TRUE" 
#> b "2" " 0.6289820" "b" "TRUE" 
#> c "3" " 2.0650249" "c" "FALSE"
#> d "4" "-1.6309894" "d" "FALSE"
#> e "5" " 0.5124269" "e" "FALSE"

# The name for row in dtt and dtbl is in:
# (data.frame's row names are converted into a column with this name)
getOption("SciViews.dtx.rownames", default = ".rownames")
#> [1] ".rownames"

# Convert into the preferred data frame object (data.table by default)
(dtx2 <- as_dtx(dtf2))
#>    .rownames     x          y      f      l
#>       <char> <int>      <num> <char> <lgcl>
#> 1:         a     1 -0.5536994      a   TRUE
#> 2:         b     2  0.6289820      b   TRUE
#> 3:         c     3  2.0650249      c  FALSE
#> 4:         d     4 -1.6309894      d  FALSE
#> 5:         e     5  0.5124269      e  FALSE
#> [1] "data.table" "data.frame"

# The default data frame object used:
getOption("SciViews.as_dtx", default = as_dtt)
#> function (x, ..., rownames = NULL, keep.key = TRUE, byref = FALSE) 
#> {
#>     if (is.null(rownames)) 
#>         rownames <- getOption("SciViews.dtx.rownames", default = ".rownames")
#>     if (rownames %in% names(x) || all(rownames(x) == seq_len(nrow(x)))) 
#>         rownames <- FALSE
#>     if ( && isTRUE(byref)) {
#>         if (isTRUE(keep.key)) {
#>             key <- attr(x, "key")
#>         }
#>         else {
#>             key <- NULL
#>         }
#>         x <- .ungroup_dtbl(x)
#>         setDT(x, keep.rownames = rownames, key = key)
#>         attr(x, "key") <- NULL
#>     }
#>     else {
#>         key <- attr(x, "key")
#>         x <-, keep.rownames = rownames)
#>         if (isTRUE(keep.key) && !is.null(key)) 
#>             setkeyv(x, key)
#>         attr(x, "key") <- NULL
#>     }
#>     rownames(x) <- NULL
#>     x
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x558553e8f508>
#> <environment: namespace:svBase>

# default_dtx() does the same as as_dtx(),
# but it also does not change other objects
# So, it is safe to use whaterver the object you pass to it
(dtx2 <- default_dtx(dtf2))
#>    .rownames     x          y      f      l
#>       <char> <int>      <num> <char> <lgcl>
#> 1:         a     1 -0.5536994      a   TRUE
#> 2:         b     2  0.6289820      b   TRUE
#> 3:         c     3  2.0650249      c  FALSE
#> 4:         d     4 -1.6309894      d  FALSE
#> 5:         e     5  0.5124269      e  FALSE
#> [1] "data.table" "data.frame"
# Any other object than data.frame, data.table or tbl_df is not converted
res <- default_dtx(1:5)
#> [1] "integer"
# No conversion if the data frame is subclassed
dtf3 <- dtf2
class(dtf3) <- c("subclassed", "data.frame")
#> [1] "subclassed" "data.frame"

# data.table keys are converted into a 'key' attribute and back
setkey(dtt2, 'x')
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] "x"

(dtf3 <- as_dtf(dtt2))
#>   x          y f     l
#> a 1 -0.5536994 a  TRUE
#> b 2  0.6289820 b  TRUE
#> c 3  2.0650249 c FALSE
#> d 4 -1.6309894 d FALSE
#> e 5  0.5124269 e FALSE
#> $names
#> [1] "x" "y" "f" "l"
#> $row.names
#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e"
#> $class
#> [1] "data.frame"
#> $key
#> [1] "x"
# Key is restored when converted back into a data.table (also from a tibble)
(dtt3 <- as_dtt(dtf3))
#> Key: <x>
#>    .rownames     x          y      f      l
#>       <char> <int>      <num> <char> <lgcl>
#> 1:         a     1 -0.5536994      a   TRUE
#> 2:         b     2  0.6289820      b   TRUE
#> 3:         c     3  2.0650249      c  FALSE
#> 4:         d     4 -1.6309894      d  FALSE
#> 5:         e     5  0.5124269      e  FALSE
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] "x"

# Grouped tibbles are ungrouped with as_dtbl() or as_dtx()/default_dtx()!
mtcars |> dplyr::group_by(cyl) -> mtcars_grouped
#> [1] "grouped_df" "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"
mtcars2 <- as_dtbl(mtcars_grouped)
#> [1] "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"