  • All functions are renamed using snake_case. For instance, dlgDir() is now dlg_dir().

  • Reimplementation of man pages using Roxygen with more details and examples.

  • NEWS file in Markdown format now.

  • GitHub actions and {pkgdown} site building.

  • README.md file added.

  • in dlg_open() and dlg_save() if filters = was not a matrix, but a vector, an error was generated. Now, it is silently transformed into a 2-cols matrix.

  • Removed {svDialogs} in Enhances field, because already in Depends.

  • Rework of Author and fields in the DESCRIPTION file.

  • NEWS file reworked to support new Rd format.
  • An imports for {svGUI} was missing in the NAMESPACE file.
  • xxxx.tcltkWidgets() is now rewritten as xxxx.tcltkGUI() to match convention used in {svDialogs} (nativeGUI).

  • The message argument in dlgDir.tcltkGUI() is replaced by title to match change made in {svDialogs} 0.9-48.

  • There are new dlgOpen.tcltkGUI() and dlgSave.tcltkGUI() functions.

  • This is the first version on R-forge. It is a refactoring from the old {svDialogs} function that are replaced there by native dialog boxes, as much as possible.