  • README.md file added.

  • NEWS file reworked to use the Markdown format.

  • Man pages are rewritten in Roxygen2.

  • Pkgdown web site added, spelling, and R CMD check GitHub actions.

  • Starting from R revision >= 67550, the HTML help port is now retrieved using tools::startDynamicHelp(NA).
  • Simplification of internal code to get Komodo location. It does not require a specific version of ‘locate’ on Unix/Linux any more.
  • .onAttach() is reworked for not issuing warning messages in Mac OS X.
  • R is now configured to be used with SciViews Komodo (Komodo Edit + SciViews-K) when the package is attached. It was previously configured when it was loaded.

  • Temporary objects are now stored in SciViews:TempEnv instead of TempEnv and consequently, svMisc >= 0.9-68 is needed.

  • Further protection before looking for komodo with locate: (1) if locate is not there, do not try to use it, and (2) do not use it on Mac OS X.

  • The package was not loading correctly when not on .libPaths. Fixed.
  • svKomodo creates now at loading a .Last.sys() function in SciViews:TempEnv indicating to Komodo Edit that R has quit. This is required to update R menus there.

  • The SciViews-K configuration file is not saved from here anymore (CRAN now does not accept packages that write files elsewhere than in R temp dir). This configuration file is now created by the SciViews-K Komodo plugin, in svStart.R.

  • NEWS file reworked to use the new Rd format.
  • On some machines, system("locate Komodo ...") fails. Added some more checking in this situation.

  • In .onLoad(), slight reworking of the svPager() function to avoid calling .Internal(file.show(....)).

  • Startup code is changed… a part of the code in svStart.R in the SciViews-K plugin is now executed here!

  • Save and load SciViews config in ~/.SciViewsConfig.RData file, so that it is possible to reconfigure R for SciViews just by reloading the present package.

  • koCmd() can now use either socket or file for communication with Komodo.
  • The package is created from svGUI 0.9-51 (functions that concern interaction with Komodo Edit/IDE). guiInstall(), guiUninstall(), guiRefresh() & guiAutoRefresh() are also renamed koXXX(), in order to better match their purpose (to communicate with Komodo Edit/IDE only), while the previous implementation was intended for more general purpose. Since, it was never used elsewhere, narrowing its scope allows to simplify the code greatly!

  • The callback mechanism to run commands from a client is now moved from svSocket package to here, so that it can also be used in the svHttp package.

  • koRefresh() now looks at the “changed” attribute of the object returned by objList(), and so, can make the difference between “no changes”, and “changes, but the environment go no more objects”.

  • Here under is a transcript of svGUI before functions are moved to svKomodo:

  • koCmd() now should prepend <<>> to the JavaScript code to get it evaluated in Komodo (starting with SciViews-K 0.9-18). Komodo now also accepts RJsonP strings, prepended with <<>>. If there is no code prepended to the string send to Komodo, it is just printed in the local R console. A new ‘type’ argument specifies what kind of string we send to Komodo. [in svGUI 0.9-48]

  • Use of svTaskCallbackManager() of svSocket >= 0.9-48 to register task callback that are also executed after each R code send by socket clients. [in svGUI 0.9-46]

  • guiRefresh() now clears active items and MRU lists in Komodo for non-defined active data frames and lm objects. [in svGUI 0.9-46]

  • Added guiRefresh() and guiAutoRefresh() to refresh automatically the content of the GUI (Komodo) object explorer and the lists of active objects. [in svGUI 0.9-45]

  • Preparation for CRAN submission: polishing the package. [in svGUI 0.9-44]

  • Made compatible with R 2.6.x (previous version was compatible with R 2.7.0). [in svGUI 0.9-43]

  • koCmd() is now more robust and do not issue a warning or an error if the Komodo server is not available (but the error message is returned by the function with a ‘try-error’ class, so that it can be processed by the caller). [in svGUI 0.9-42]

  • Correction of a bug in the first example of koCmd(). [in svGUI 0.9-41]

  • guiInstall() now creates a hook to koCmd(): .koCmd() in SciViews:TempEnv. [in svGUI 0.9-41]

  • First version distributed on R-forge. It is completely refactored from older versions (on CRAN since 2003) to make it run with SciViews-K and Komodo Edit (Tinn-R is also supported, but not SciViews-R Console any more). [in svGUI 0.9-40]