
All functions

about() `?`() ex() print(<runnable>)

Get information and help about R objects

add_actions() get_actions() add_icons() add_methods() addActions() addIcons() addMethods()

Add GUI elements like actions (menu items), icons, or methods in a predefined list

aka() print(<aka>) str(<aka>)

Create an alias (also known as) for an object whose a short help page and/or original help page can be viewed with .?obj.


Run a function in batch mode

capture_all() captureAll() warnings2()

Run an R expression and capture output and messages in a similar way as it would be done at the command line

compare_r_version() compareRVersion()

Compare current R version with a specified one


Get a completion list for a R code fragment


Convert numeric to factor with intervals of equal number of items by using quantiles


Define a vector of a given mode and length (possibly filling it with default values)

describe_function() describe_args() args_tip() call_tip() descFun() descArgs() argsTip() callTip()

Get textual help on function or function arguments, or get a call tip

file_edit() fileEdit()

Invoke an external text editor for a file

gui_cmd() gui_load() gui_source() gui_save() gui_import() gui_export() gui_report() gui_setwd() guiCmd() guiLoad() guiSource() guiSave() guiImport() guiExport() guiReport() guiSetwd()

Execute a command in the GUI client


An easy package installation function that pairs with package()

is_help() is_win() is_rgui() is_sdi() is_mac() is_aqua() is_rstudio() is_rstudio_desktop() is_rstudio_server() is_jgr() isHelp() isWin() isRgui() isSDI() isMac() isAqua() isJGR()

Check for the existence of an help file, or some context

list_methods() list_types() listMethods() listTypes()

List all methods associated with a generic function or a class, or all types associated with a method

obj_browse() obj_clear() obj_dir() obj_info() obj_list() write.objList() print(<objList>) obj_search() obj_menu() objBrowse() objClear() objDir() objInfo() objList() objSearch() objMenu()

Functions to implement an object browser


A (possibly) very silent and multi-package library()/require() function

parse_text() parseText()

Parse a character string as if it was a command entered at the command line

pcloud() pcloud_crypto()

Create the path to a file in the p-Cloud drive

pkgman_describe() pkgman_get_mirrors() pkgman_get_available() pkgman_get_installed() pkgman_set_cran_mirror() pkgman_install() pkgman_remove() pkgman_load() pkgman_detach() pkgManDescribe() pkgManGetMirrors() pkgManGetAvailable() pkgManGetInstalled() pkgManSetCRANMirror() pkgManInstall() pkgManRemove() pkgManLoad() pkgManDetach()

Functions to manage R side of the SciViews R package manager


Display progression of a long calculation at the R console and/or in a GUI

rbenchmark() print(<rbenchmark>)

R Benchmark 2.6

search_web() helpSearchWeb()

Search web documents about R and R functions

section() print(<section>) str(<section>) get_section()

Create a section in a list (collection of functions and other objects).

source_clipboard() sourceClipboard()

Source code from the clipboard

`$`(<subsettable_type>) `$`(<subsettable_which>)

Define a function as being 'subsettable' using $ operator


Miscellaneous Functions for 'SciViews::R'

system_file() system_dir() systemFile() systemDir()

Get a system file or directory

temp_env() add_items() add_temp() assign_temp() change_temp() exists_temp() get_temp() delete_temp() rm_temp() TempEnv() addItems() addTemp() assignTemp() changeTemp() existsTemp() getTemp() rmTemp()

Get an environment dedicated to temporary variables (and create it if needed)

temp_var() tempvar()

Get an arbitrary name for a temporary variable

to_rjson() eval_rjson() list_to_json() toRjson() evalRjson() listToJson()

Convert R object to and from RJSON specification