
All functions

Log() createLog() clearLog() errorLog() lastTest() lastSuite()

SciViews-R log management functions

checkEquals() checkEqualsNumeric() checkIdentical() checkTrue() checkException() DEACTIVATED()

SciViews-R Unit assertions (check functions)

guiTestReport() guiSuiteList() guiSuiteAutoList() guiTestFeedback()

Report or give feedback to the GUI client about running test units

koUnit_setAutoTest() koUnit_isAutoTest() koUnit_runTest() koUnit_showRUnitPane() koUnit_version()

Interact with the test unit GUI in Komodo/SciViews-K

svSuite() as.svSuite() is.svSuite() print(<svSuite>) svSuiteList() makeUnit(<svSuite>) runTest(<svSuite>)

Create and run test suites by collecting together unit tests and function tests defined in objects

is.svSuiteData() stats(<svSuiteData>) metadata() print(<svSuiteData>) summary(<svSuiteData>) protocol() protocol_text() protocol_junit()

Objects of class 'svSuiteData' contain results from running test suites

makeTestListFromExamples() svTest() print(<svTest>) as.svTest() is.svTest() is.test() test() `test<-`() makeUnit() runTest()

Create, attach to and manipulate test functions in R objects

is.svTestData() stats() print(<svTestData>) summary(<svTestData>) protocol_junit(<svTestData>)

Objects of class 'svTestData' contain results from running a test


Unit tests for the package 'svUnit'