
All functions

assignment() assignment2() challenge() challenge2() assignment_en() assignment_fr() assignment2_en() assignment2_fr() challenge_en() challenge_fr() challenge2_en() challenge2_fr()

Insert a GitHub (Classroom) assignment or challenge in the document


A default checker that just acknowledges submission

config() sign_in() sign_out() encrypt() decrypt() lock() unlock()

Configure the R environment for the course (including database information) and provide (or cache) user information in ciphered form.


Insert code in an R Markdown document to diagnose personal data information


Insert H5P content in the document


Launch Shiny application by clicking on its screenshot.

learnitdownLearnrSetup() learnitdownLearnrBanner() learnitdownLearnrServer()

Set up a learnitdown Learnr application

learnitdownShiny() learnitdownShinyVersion() submitAnswerButton() quitButton() submitQuitButtons()

Create and manage learnitdown Shiny applications


Initialize learnitdown features in an R Markdown document


Insert a block for a learnr tutorial

obfuscate() ._() obfuscate_logical() ans()

Obfuscate answers in learnr documents


Read shinylogs log data and format them in a data.frame

record_learnr() user_name() user_email()

Record results of learnr exercises in a MongoDB database


Record Shiny events in a MongoDB database

run() run_app() update_pkg()

Run learnitdown learnr tutorials or Shiny apps from a package after update


Send your learnr submissions by email

show_ex_toc() clean_ex_toc()

Insert a table of content for the exercises at the end of a bookdown chapter

trackEvents() trackSubmit() trackQuit() check_shiny_solution()

Track events, the submit or the quit buttons


Create the screenshot image of a Shiny application with a click icon