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mlearning 1.2.1

CRAN release: 2023-08-30

  • Documentation is refactored using Roxygen2 and considerably enhanced.

  • All camelCase function names now have their equivalence in snake_case, e.g., mlRforest -> ml_rforest(), or confusionImage() -> confusion_image() in order to adapt to the coding preferences of the user.

mlearning 1.2.0

mlearning 1.1.1

CRAN release: 2022-04-26

  • The description is extended.

  • A {pkgdown} site is added.

mlearning 1.1.0

  • mlKnn() is implemented for K-nearest neighbors.

  • Several adjustments were required for compatibility with R 4.2.0 (it is not allowed any more to use vectors > 1 with || and &&).

mlearning 1.0.7

  • When predict() was applied to an mlearning object build with full formula (not the short one var ~ .), if the dependent variable was not in newdata =, an error message was raised (although this variable is not necessary at this point). Bug identified by Damien Dumont, and corrected.

mlearning 1.0.6

  • In mlSvm.formula(), arguments scale=, type=, kernel= and classwt= were not correctly used. Corrected.

mlearning 1.0.5

  • In mlLvq() providing size = or prior = led to an lvq object not found message. Corrected.

mlearning 1.0.4

  • Sometimes, data was not found (e.g., when called inside a {learnr} tutorial).

  • In mlearning(), data is forced with (tibbles are not supported internally).

  • In the mlXXX() function, it was not possible to indicate something like mlLda(data = iris, Species ~ .). Solved by adding train = argument in mlXXX().

  • In summary.confusion() produced an error if more than one type = was provided.

mlearning 1.0.3

  • file added. Repository moved to GitHub.