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confusion() print(<confusion>) summary(<confusion>) print(<summary.confusion>)
Construct and analyze confusion matrices
mlKnn() ml_knn() summary(<mlKnn>) print(<summary.mlKnn>) predict(<mlKnn>)
Supervised classification using k-nearest neighbor
mlLda() ml_lda() predict(<mlLda>)
Supervised classification using linear discriminant analysis
mlLvq() ml_lvq() summary(<mlLvq>) print(<summary.mlLvq>) predict(<mlLvq>)
Supervised classification using learning vector quantization
mlNaiveBayes() ml_naive_bayes() predict(<mlNaiveBayes>)
Supervised classification using naive Bayes
mlNnet() ml_nnet() predict(<mlNnet>)
Supervised classification and regression using neural network
mlQda() ml_qda() predict(<mlQda>)
Supervised classification using quadratic discriminant analysis
mlRforest() ml_rforest() predict(<mlRforest>)
Supervised classification and regression using random forest
mlRpart() ml_rpart() predict(<mlRpart>)
Supervised classification and regression using recursive partitioning
mlSvm() ml_svm() predict(<mlSvm>)
Supervised classification and regression using support vector machine
Machine Learning Algorithms with Unified Interface and Confusion Matrices
mlearning() print(<mlearning>) summary(<mlearning>) print(<summary.mlearning>) plot(<mlearning>) predict(<mlearning>) cvpredict()
Machine learning model for (un)supervised classification or regression
plot(<confusion>) confusion_image() confusionImage() confusion_barplot() confusionBarplot() confusion_stars() confusionStars() confusion_dendrogram() confusionDendrogram()
Plot a confusion matrix
prior() `prior<-`()
Get or set priors on a confusion matrix
Get the response variable for a mlearning object
Get the training variable for a mlearning object